07 May 2016


I wonder if any of you have been humming to this catchy tune "Me, Myself & I" by Bebe Rexha & G-Eazy.

The bridge goes like this:

Oh, it's just me, myself and I
Solo ride until I die
Cause I got me for life
(Got me for life, yeah)
Oh I don't need a hand to hold 
Even when the night is cold
I got that fire in my soul

This is my personal opinion and I don't mean to be a joy spoiler. If you feel happy listening to the tune and it entertains you, well, go ahead and enjoy it. But if you are like me, wondering what this tune is all about, then please stay on.

This song reflects a lifestyle that many young people choose to live today. If you live according to the lyrics of this song (you can google the rest of the lyrics), it will be a matter of time before you get depressed. Seriously.

Well it might sound cool and liberated when you are humming this tune in your 30's. Try singing it in your 60's, it WILL sound very depressing and lonely.

Choosing to remain single for life does not mean the person is lonely. I have met people who are married but still feel painfully lonely. I have also seen single people who lead a very fulfilling life. You can be with many people everyday and having many friends and 'likes' in your Facebook yet you still feel terribly lonely. 

I once read somewhere that each of us is created with an emptiness in our souls that only the God who made it can fill it. Any attempts to put anything else inside that emptiness will result in a mismatch that you will inevitably sense. You will substitute one thing with another to fill that void but you will not feel complete until the God who created you fills this emptiness.

This feeling of emptiness and loneliness will lead to depression and physical diseases. This was mentioned in my previous post "The 4 pillars of Healing". Having a good relationship with God and with people is vital for inner healing and psychological well-being which then will positively influence the physical well-being.

Research has demonstrated that widowed men and women were two to four times more likely to die prematurely than those still married. For men over fifty-five, the death rate soared by 40% during the six months after the death of a wife. A famous study in Alameda County, California, found that marriage, close friendship, and voluntary membership in church or community organizations decreased the death rate from cancer, heart disease, and stroke, as well as the total mortality rate, for both men and women. The most socially isolated women in the community had a death rate almost three times as great as the most socially involved. More recent studies have demonstrated that men or women with heart disease are far more vulnerable to heart attack and death if they live alone, lack friends or family, or perceive a lack of emotional support from others. Women with early breast cancer have been found to live longer if they receive emotional support from close friends and family. (Leo Galland, The Four Pillars of Healing pg.87)

Back to the song, I don't know about you but I choose not to believe the lyrics because wrong believing will lead to wrong living and right believing will lead to right living.

I choose to believe what my God has promised in the Scriptures:

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you (Isaiah 41:10)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want... He restores my soul...Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:1-4) 

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted him, and I am rescued and my heart is full of joy. (Psalm 28:7)

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