13 July 2021


This live webinar was recorded on the 11th July 2021. 

This event was organized by The Association of Private Practitioners Sabah (APPS) for the benefit of medical practitioners and the general public regarding current issues of COVID-19 as we battle into the second year of this pandemic. 

Various issues of the COVID-19 pandemic are being discussed including new variants of COVID-19 and vaccinating children and adolescents. Get first hand, accurate and reliable information from Dr Timothy William from this webinar.

You can click the time stamp below to go directly to the specific issue of interest:

0:03 Introducing the speaker, Dr Timothy William, Infectious Disease Physician, Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu 
1:21 Various types of coronaviruses 
2:28 How does COVID-19 transmit?
3:28 Can airborne transmission occur? 
6:42 How about contact transmission of COVID-19? 
7:54 How does COVID-19 cause disease? 
9:41 How long is the incubation period? 
11:42 Spectrum of disease severity 
13:08 Case studies 
15:48 Time course of illness and 'Happy Hypoxia' 
18:10 Asymptomatic Infection 
18:40 Progression of disease and risk factors
21:22 Diagnosis 
21:48 Interpreting diagnostic tests for COVID-19 
23:28 Investigations 
24:49 Management 
25:04 Prognosis 
25:21 Therapeutic management of hospitalized adults with COVID-19 based on disease severity 
27:30 Vaccine update 
28:50 Risk of side effects from COVID-19 vaccines 
32:25 Should we give mRNA vaccines to children/Adolescents? 
34:32 Benefits and risks after 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccination 
35:46 New variants of COVID-19 
40:35 Mixing vaccines 
42:24 Safety of vaccines in pregnancy and breast feeding mothers 
43:29 Q&A Can Ivermectin be used as an anti-viral drug?
45:13 Q&A Can a person develop covid infection after vaccination? 
45:45 Q&A Is there a role for anti-fungals in preventing mucomycosis? 
46:24 Q&A If the patient dies after vaccination, when will it be considered as the direct cause of death? 
48:18 Q&A Any studies done to investigate levels of antibodies after vaccination or if booster doses are necessary? 
48:54 Q&A What is the maximum interval between dose 1 and dose 2? 
49:35 Q&A Should people buy pulse oxymeter to check their oxygen saturation at home? 
49:49 Q&A Any prohibitions in taking alcohol after vaccination?