30 April 2015

How Quickly Do Different Cells In The Body Replace Themselves?

Our body does not spend a lot of time on fixing old cells. If the cells get hurt, our body is going to spend a little bit of time repairing, but if it cannot fix it, our body quickly replaces it. The table below illustrates how quickly different cells in the body replace themselves:
  • Rods and Cones in the eyes: 48hrs
  • Stomach: 2-9 days
  • Cervix: 6 days
  • Skin epidermis: 10-30 days
  • Sperm (male gametes): 2 months
  • Liver hepatocytes: 6 months- 1 year
  • Fat cells: 8 years
  • Cardiomyocytes: 0.5-10% per year
  • Central nervous system: life time
  • Skeleton: 10% per year
  • Lens cells: life time
  • Oocytes (female gametes): life time
  • 2 to 3 million cells are renewed in our body per second! [0.6% renewal per day]
  • There are 37.2 trillion cells in the human body! [37,200,000,000,000]
Our body is on a continuous state of REGENERATION. Our body is in the state of 'becoming', it is not something that happened. So if you had a condition last year and you have it this year also, it is because YOU are continuing on producing it.

(This is a very empowering message)

If you have an 'X' condition in your body, stop producing condition 'X' then! 

If you don't plant durian seeds, you can't get durians. So if you don't want certain disease in your body to exist, then STOP giving the disease the chance to stay in you body.

Image result for pointing at you

The Way of LIFE

Image result for way of life

The 26 letters of the English alphabet are so intelligently arranged... They show you the way of life..."A"lways "B"e "C"ool. "D"on't have "E"go with "F"riends n Family. "G"ive up "H"urting "I"ndividuals. "J"ust "K"eep "L"oving "M"ankind. "N"ever "O"mit "P"rayers. "Q"uietly "R"emember "G"od. "S"peak "T"ruth. "U"se "V"alid "W"ords. "X"press "Y"our "Z"eal.

That in a nutshell is the behaviour of a 'spiritual' man... and a new way of looking at your ABCs.


Image result for dalai lama

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man".
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."

27 April 2015

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a strong predictor of high mortality diseases such as coronary artery disease and cardiovascular disease (Jackson et al. Int J Clin Pract 2010;64:848-57)

Erectile dysfunction directly and negatively impact the quality of life (Fernandez et al. J Sex Med 2010;7:4003-10)

Meaning: Long before fearsome diseases like heart disease show typical symptoms like chest pain and decreased effort tolerance, many will have erectile dysfunction as an early symptoms. Erectile dysfunction affects a patient in many health aspects apart from sexual functions alone.

Message: Erectile dysfunction detection can lead to early detection of cardiovascular disease. Early treatment improves quality of life.

What to do: Do not be shy to tell your doctor that you have erectile dysfunction. We can help you if you are willing to share. 

So how common is erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Worldwide prevalence of ED:
152 million men in 1995
322 million men by 2025
(Aytac et al. BJU Int 1999;84:50-56)